Lesson 10: Alteration of the participle, reflexive forms in sicilian language
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Alteration of the Participle
The Sicilian language alters the past participle in the same way alters the nouns with the diminutive, augmentative and pejorative forms:
Dispiràtu desperate
dispiratèddu a little desperate
dispiratùni very desperate
dispiratàzzu badly desperate
Com’ è lu tempu? Canciatèddu.
How is the weather? A little changed.
Sì nn’iu tô soru? Sì era mprisciatàzza.
Is your sister gone? Yes, she was in a kind of a hurry
Mê cucìnu vinni vistutùni.
My cousin came very dressed up.
Qunnu parrò era mpacciatèddu
When he spoke he was a little imbarassed.
Expressions with the Verb “Fari”
Oggi fa càvuru Today it is hot
Ddà fa bon tempu Over there the weather is nice
Ccà fa un friddu di mòriri Here it is so cold one can die
I picciuttèddi facèvanu vuccirìa
The little ones were making noise
Vidìri a mê patri accussì mi fa pena
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To see my father in those conditions it pained me
Facci na dummànna a tô soru
Ask a question to your sister
Facìti finta di durmìri
Make believe that you are asleep
Reflexive forms
In the reflexive forms the verb describes what the subject is doing:
Mi divèrtu I enjoy myself
T’addummìsci You fall asleep (you put yourself to sleep)
Si lava He is washing himself
Nni susèmu We get ourselves up
Vi cùrcati You go to bed (put yourself to bed)
Si talìanu They look at themselves
Quànnu vaiu a mari mi divèrtu
When I go to he beach, I enjoy myself
Arristàru a taliàrisi a lu spècchiu
They stayed to watch themselves in the mirror
Eranu stanchi e si curcàru
They were tired and went to bed
Doppu dui uri di stari assittàti vi susìstivu
After two hours of sitting you got up