Lesson 8: Sicilian verbs

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Verbs: Auxiliary

The auxiliary verbs are two:

Avìri                                       To have

Èssiri                                      To be

They are called auxiliary because they help the main verb:

Aiu manciàtu                         I have eaten                            

Sugnu sudàtu                         I am sweating


In Sicilian this form, which is called present perfect, is not much used, instead the preterite is used in most cases.

The verbs are organized in conjugation and the conjugations are organized in modes and tenses. The most commonly used are the Indicative Mode, the Imperative Mode, the Subjunctive, the Gerundive, the Participle, and the Infinite. The Conditional is also used but not as much.

In Sicilian it is not necessary to have the personal pronoun before the verb, because the ending of the verb, or the contest of the sentence, determines the number of the person, singular or plural, to which it is referred.

As an auxiliary the verb avìri (to have) is mostly used.


Indicative Mode of the Verbs to Have and to Be Tenses


(Iu)                  Aiu                  I have                                      sugnu              I am

(tu)                  Ài              you have               s§             you are

(iddu, idda)      Àvi          he, she, it has          è         he, she, it is

(nui)                 Avèmu            we have       semu               we are

(vui)                 Avìti                you have      siti                   you are

(iddi)                Ànnu               they have   sunnu              they are


Iu aiu na soru     I have a sister

    Iddu è malàtu   He is sick



avia                I had                                           

era                   I was

avèvi              you had                                   eri                   you were

avia                he, she, it had                          era                  he, she. It was

avìamu           we had                                    èramu             we were

avìavu             you had                                   èravu              you were

avìanu             they had                                  èranu              they were

tu avèvi tanti cucìni             iddi èranu assittàti 

You had many cousins         They were siting

Present Perfect

Aiu avùtu       I have had  aiu statu         I have been


Vui avìti avùtu dui cani        Iu aiu statu â casa     

You have had two dogs       I have been at the house


Iddu appi li sordi         He had the money                    

Nui fomu a mmari       We were at the sea  

Appi               I had                                fui                  

Avìsti              you had                                   fusti

Appi                he,she,it had                            fu

Àpimu             we had                                    fomu

Avìstivu         you had                                   fùstivu

Àppiru            they had                                  foru


Past Perfect


Avia avùtu                 I had had                     

avia statu       I had been


Iu avia avùtu na biciclètta           Iu avia statu fora

I had had a bicycle                      I had been outside


Subjunctive Mode: Tenses present

Aiu                 I (may) have                            sia                   I (may) be                   

Ài                   you (may) have                        si’                    you (may) be

Àvi                 he, she, it (may) has                 sia                   he (may) be

Avèmu           we (may) have                         siamu              we (may) be

Avìti               you (may) have                        siati                 you (may) be

Ànnu               they (may) have                       sianu               they (may) be


The Sicilian uses the present subjunctive as the present indicative.


Iddu cridi ca iu aiu na gatta                            

Iddi pènsanu ca iu sugnu stùpitu

He believes tha I have a cat                             

They think that I am (may be) a fool    


Avìssi             I had, might have              

fussi           I was, might be

Avìssi            you had, might have                 

fussi            you were, might be

Avìssi             he,she, it had, might have         

fussi             he, she, it was, might be

Avìssimu        we had, might have      

fùssimu        we were, might be

Avìssivu         you had, might have                 

fùssivu         you were, might be

avìssiru          they hadmight have                 

 fùssiru          they were, might be


Iu pinsàva chi iddu avìssi un frati                   

Iddu cridèva ca fùssimu nsèmmula

I thouht that he had a brother                          

He believed that we were together


Past Perfect

Avìssi avùtu   I had had, might have had        

avìssi statu     I had been, might have been                

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Iddi vulèvanu chi avìssi avùtu na casa           

Iu spiràva ca iddu avìssi statu n Sicìlia

The wanted that I might have had a house        

I hoped that he might have been in Sicily


Conditional Mode: Present

Avirrìa           I would have                

sarrìa (fòra)                I would be

Avirrìssi         yoiu                             

sarìssi                         you

Avirrìssi         he, she, it                     

sarrìa (fòra)                he, she, it

Avirrìamu      we                               

sarrìamu (fòramu)       we

Avirrìavu       you                              

sarrìavu (fòravu)         you

Avirrìanu       they                             

sarrìanu (fòranu)         they


Avirrìa a travagghiari       Chisti sarrìanu boni

I would have to work         These would be good 


Avirrìa parràtu cu Cicciu, ma avia già partùtu. 

I would have spoken to Frank, but he had already left.

Sarrìa arrivàto doppu ma vinni a cùrriri.

I would have arrived later but a came running.



Avirrìa avùtu             I would have had                     

avirrìa statu               I would have been       


A st’ura avirrìa avùtu tri cani                         

Ci avirrìa statu  dumàni â sô casa     

By now I would have had three dogs               

I would have been at his house tomorrow


Imperative Mode

With this mode the Sicilian uses the subjunctive:


Ài a manciàri               You have to eat                       

Stai bonu         Be good

Avìti a partìri               You have to leave                    

Stati cueti        Be quiet                      


The negative imperative in Sicilian of the second singular person is formed by the infininitive:

Un avìri prèscia          Do not be in a hurry     

Un èssiri testa dura     Do not be a hard head



Avìri               to have                                          Èssiri                           to be


Avìri figghi                    Èssiri pòviri

To have children            To be poor


Avìri avùtu                 To have had                            

Èssiri statu                 To have been


Aviri avùtu furtùna     To have had luck         

Èssiri statu malàtu      To have been sick


Participle: Past


Avùtu             had           statu              been


L’aiu avùtu sempri      I have had it always 

Iddu à statu carzaràtu He has been in jail           


Gerund: Present

Avènnu          having                                      essènnu                      being


Avènnu sordi si campa mègghiu    

Essènnu sulu spennu picca

By having money one can live better                            

By being alone I spend less


Avènnu avùtu            having had                               

essènnu statu                        having been


Avennu avùtu sempri la matri ora mi sentu sulu          

Essennu statu malàtu, sugnu siccu

Having always had a mother, now I felt lonely 

Having been sick, I am thin


Sicilian espressions with the verb avìri (to have)

Aiu pitìttu                                     I am hungry

ài siti                                            You are thirsty

avìti sonnu                                   You are sleepy

ànnu prèscia                                They are in a hurry

avèmu deci anni l’unu                 We are ten years old each


Iddu àvi pitìttu e iu aiu siti     He is hungry and I am thirsty

Iddi ànnu sonnu e nui avèmu prèscia    

They are sleepy and we are in a hurry

Mê frati avi cinc’anni e iu nn’aiu novi        

My brother is five years old and I am nine

Pi cummintari ha trasiri Trasi



Liggi Rigiunali Lingua siciliana. Chi ni pensi?

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