Lesson 11: Numbers, the days of the week, seasons in sicilian language

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Li misi di l’annu:

Innàru                                                January

Frivàru                                              February

Màrzu                                                March

Aprìli                                                 April

Màiu                                                  May

Giùgnu                                               June

Lùgliu                                                July

Aùstu                                                 August

Sittèmmiru                                     September

Ottùviru                                             October         

Nuvèmmiru                                       November

Dicèmmiru                                        December


The days of the week:

Lùnniri                                               Monday

Màrtiri                                              Tuesday 

Mèrcuri                                             Wednesday

Iòviri                                                  Thurday

Vènniri                                              Friday

Sàbatu                                               Saturday

Dumìnica                                           Sunday


The seasons of the year:

Primavèra,                  stati,                          atùnnu,                       mmernu

Spring,                        summer,                       autumn,                        winter

Primavèra and stati are feminine. atùnnu e mmernu are masculine.


La primavèra è china di ciuri     Springtime is full of flowers

Nna la stati fa cavuru                         In summer it is hot

Nna l’atùnnu c’è la vinnigna In the fall the grapes are harvested

Nna lu mmernu c’è friddu                              In winter it is cold

Cardinal Numbers


1   unu       one     11 ùnnici         eleven   21 vintùnu                  twentyone

2   dui        two     12 dùdici         twelve   22 vintidùi                  twentytwo

3   tri        three    13 trìdici        thirteen 23 vintitrì etc.         twentythree etc.

4   quàttru  four    14 quattòrdici fourteen  30 trenta                    thirty

5   cincu    five       15 quìnnici     fifteen  31 trentùnu                thirtyone

6   sei        six        16 sìdici          sixteen  32 trentadùi               thirtytwo

7 setti  seven  17 dicissètti   seventeen 33 trentatrì etc.   Thirtythree etc.

8   ottu    eight     18 diciòttu      eghteen    40 quaranta                forty

9   novi   nine      19 dicinnòvi    nineteen           41 qurantùnu fortyone

10 deci  ten       20 vinti           twenty  42 quarantadùi etc.    fortytwo etc.

50 cinquànta   fifty                  80   ottànta                 eighty

60 sissànta     sixty                 90   novànta               ninety

70 sittànta      seventy 100 centu                   one hundred

The number vinti, trenta, quaranta, cinquanta, sissanta sittanta, ottanta e novanta lose the final vowel before the unu (one) and the ottu (eight)

Vintòttu, trentòttu, cinquantòttu etc.


To centu  are added the above numbers, and the same method is used after 1000. the numerals above one hundred are written as one word


101 centuùnu etc.       one hundred and one etc.     

2000 duimìla                      Two thousand 

111 centuùnnici etc.   one hundred eleven etc.       

2500 duimilacincucèntu Twentyfive hundred

121 centuvintùnu etc. one hundred and twentione   

3000 trimìla                  three thousand

200 duicèntu              two hundred                          

100.000 centumìla       one hundred thousand

300 triccèntu              three hundred                         

1000.000 un miliùni                 one million

400 quattrucèntu       four hundred                          

1000.000.000 un miliàrdu       one billion

500 cincucèntu           five hundred

600 seicèntu               six hundred

700 setticèntu                        seven hundred

800 ottucèntu             eight hundred

900 novicèntu             nine hundred

1000 milli                   one thousand

1001 millieùnu           one thousand and one

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The numerals from 1100 on are not read eleven hundred etc. in Sicilian, but Milliecèntu etc

1300 millietriccèntu               thirteen hundred

1700 milliesetticèntu             seventeen hundred

1900 millienovicèntu             nineteen hundred

2300 duimilatriccèntu            twenty three hundred

In Sicilian the date uses the day first and then the month and the year.  The day uses always a cardinal number preceded by the determinative article, but on the first day of the month it uses the ordinal number:

Lu primu di giùgnu                                             The first of June

Lu 7 di maiu                                                    The seventh of May

Quàntu nn’avèmu oggi?                                         What is today?

Oggi nn’avèmu 6.                                                Today is the sixth

Iddu partìu lu 5 di austu.                    He left on the fifth of august

Mê matri veni lu 15 di sittèmmiru         

my mother will come on the fifteenth of September.


Ordinal Numbers


Primu                         First                 

dudicèsimu                             twelfth

Secùnnu                     second             

tridicèsimu                             thirteenth

Terzu                          third                 

quattordicèsimu                     fourteenth

Quàrtu                       fourth               

vintitrièsimu                          twentithird

Quìntu                        fifth                  

vintcinchèsimu                       twentyfifth

Sestu                          sixth                 

trentottèsimu                         thirtyeighth

Sèttimu                      seventh  

quarantèsimu                         fortieth

Ottàvu                        eighth               

centèsimu                               one hundredth

Nonu                          nineth               

cincucentèsimu                      five hundredth

Dècimu                      tenth                

millèsimu                               one thousandth

Unnicèsimu                eleventh           

miliunèsimu                           one millionth


In the ordinal numbers, after the dècimu, it is enough to drop the final vowel of the number and adding esimu.  Only in those numbers ending with an i the vowel stays:


Vintitrièsimu                                    23rd

Cinquantatrièsimu etc.                      53rd


and those number ending with the u, they drop the final vowel and add the h:


Vinticinchèsimu                                25th

Quarantacinchèsimu etc.                 45th


The ordinal numbers behave as adjectives and follow the gender and the number of the noun they describe:

Lu primu viaggiu                                the fisrt travel

Li primi acqui                                     the first rains

La prima missa                                  the first mass

Li primi casi                                       the first huses

La quarta vota                                   the fourth time


If the ordinal number refers to title, it follows the name:

Fidiricu II                                Frederick the II

Erricu  VI                                Henry the VI

Luigi IX                                  Louis the IX


The ordinal numbers are written with special capital letters:


I          primu                                        1st
II         secùnnu                                    2nd
III        terzu                                         3rd
IV        quàrtu                                      4th
V         quìntu                                       5th
VI        sestu                                          6th
VII       sèttimu                                     7th
VIII      ottàvu                                       8th
IX         nonu                                          9th

X          dècimu                                     10th

XI        unnicèsimu                               11th      XIX     dicinnuvèsimu                          19th           
XX       vintèsimu                                  20th
XXX    trentèsimu                                31st 
XL        quarantèsimu                          40th
L         cinquantèsimu                           50th   
LX        sissantèsimu                             60th
XC        novantèsimu                            90th
C          centèsimu                                100th  
D          cincucentèsimu                       500th  
M          millèsimu                                1000th


The Romans did not know the cardinal numbers and they used the ordinal numbers for every need. for this reason they used to write even the dates with ordinal numbers.  here are some   examples of how the years are written with ordinal numbers:


1282     (Sicilian Vespers)                       MCCLXXXII
1492     (The Discovery of America )      MCDXCII
1861     (Unification of Italy )                  MDCCCLXI
1929     (Italian-Vatican Treaty)            MCMXXIX                        

1945     (End of World War II)              MCMXLV

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